A Most Special Tu B'Shvat

On Sunday, January 24, just before sundown, volunteers gathered outside the Teen Center of the Marcus Jewish Community Center in Dunwoody, Georgia. From age 8 to 80, volunteers were eager to plant an orchard of apple, pear, fig and persimmon trees. This orchard was the brainchild of Robby Astrove, a lover of trees, and founder of Fruit Forward Orchards of Atlanta. Creating edible landscapes that last generations is Robby's passion.Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 4.10.17 PMSeeking a meaningful way to honor past Board members, GIPL became involved in this project to offer labor and financial support for the establishment of this particular orchard.  Once established and bearing fruit, this orchard will supply fresh foods for the Jewish Center's outreach programs that feed the wider community.Prior to our digging our shovels into the cold ground, we gathered for the Tu B'shvat blessing. Many of the volunteers, including a large group of Israeli Scouts, did not know the full origin of Tu B'shvat. This was the chance to educate them about the Jewish New Year of the Trees and share in a special blessing together.  (see the Hebrew prayer above) We were invited to plant with intention, being mindful of our connection to adamah, the earth, the soil from which humans have been created. We were here to do more than plant a few trees. We were here to feel more connected to the earth, to one another, and to our Creator.A youth named Andrew volunteered to be the steward of the orchard for the first year as part of his bar mitzvah project. Andrew will work closely with Robby every month, learning the importance of pruning, mulching and watering of the orchard. We are grateful that this young man has offered his time to serve the community in this way. GIPL will continue to follow Andrew in his work with the orchard and look forward to sharing more about his progress.As the final tree was planted, GIPL friends gathered around, including members of the Board of Directors, and an interfaith blessing over the orchard was offered:Blessing of the TreesCreator of Life and Sustainer of seed and soil, of tree and flower, you have created this world and all that lives in it. It is You that we come before in this time of dedication and blessing, for you are the giver of all life, the sustainer of all that lives. We come to you to dedicate these trees in honor of our GIPL Board members:Rev. Woody BartlettMarti BreenGarry HarrisRenee KastanakisNoah LevineFor their gracious service to the world; for their leadership and tenacity. We give you thanks for the many gifts they shared so generously with GIPL and all of Creation. May these very trees remind us of their fruitful vision, for the seeds planted that made the mission of GIPL grow across the faith community of Georgia. May these trees dig deep roots and grow wide branches to bear witness to your abundant love and grace. May they bear fruit for generations to come. We ask your blessing upon these trees and upon us who seek to serve you through our work of caring for Creation. With gratitude we offer our prayer.  Amen. May our lives continue to be blessed by the trees standing tall all around us and may our own lives reflect the stability and goodness each one offers our respective. communities.

Get ready for the 10th Annual GIPPY Awards!


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