Service and Educational Opportunities
A great way to engage in environmental stewardship is through experiences. Whether through service or education, GIPL offers many opportunities to learn more and embody environmental justice, conservation, and protection in the state and beyond.
Service Opportunities
Put on your water shoes and help us remove plastic, trash, and tires from local watersheds. In partnership with local riverkeeper organizations like Chattahoochee Riverkeeper, Ogeechee Riverkeeper, and Savannah Riverkeeper we host cleanups throughout the year. These are great, intergenerational ways to support sustainability in your community.
Trees regularly absorb and store carbon dioxide from the air, reducing greenhouse gas build-up in the atmosphere and slowing global warming. This means the more trees the better! We are grateful to partner with organizations like Trees Atlanta, Trees Columbus, and the Savannah Tree Foundation to plant trees and repopulate forests in communities.
Part of living out environmental justice in the world is addressing food insecurity, consumption practices, and food waste. Supporting local farms, food banks, and ministries like Concrete Jungle, Second Helpings Atlanta, the Urban Food Forest at Browns Mill, Golden Harvest, and Feeding the Valley, goes a long way to seeing all have what they need to thrive.
Educational Opportunities
One of the best ways to fall in love with someone is to spend quality time with them. The same is true with nature. Exploring and learning in a natural setting empowers people of all ages and stages to be better stewards of Sacred Earth. Partnering with organizations like the Shoal Creek Sanctuary in Athens, Georgia, GIPL staff frequently lead outdoor experiential learning trips across the state.
Ever wonder what happens to your aluminum cans, newspapers, and plastic bottles once the recycling truck picks them up from the curb? Join GIPL team members at Sandy Springs Recycling Center or Westrock in Marietta to learn more about how everyday waste is repurposed. You too can become an advocate for responsible sorting and the single-stream system!
The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design is the first building in Georgia and the 28th in the world to earn the Living Building Challenge (LBC) certification, the world’s most ambitious and holistic green building achievement. Each year, the building offers more energy to the community than it consumes. Its revolutionary architecture offers inspiration to builders everywhere.
Water is Sacred
Together, with Chattahoochee Riverkeeper (CRK), we welcome communities of faith to experience the Chattahoochee Watershed firsthand. Each outing on West Point Lake is two hours long. CRK staff provide education about the watershed including hands-on activities. We then offer guided meditations and a time of spiritual reflection on the lake for congregations to think about their relationship to water, water conservation, environmental justice, and faith.
Floating Classroom
Water is one of our most sacred natural resources. In almost every faith tradition, water plays an important role in ritual and spiritual life, symbolizing rebirth, healing, and purification. As our faith traditions place intrinsic value on the water, we are called to preserve and protect this finite resource.