Green Teams are the Heartbeat of Georgia Interfaith Power & Light
What is a Green Team?
A Green Team is a group of three or more passionate individuals dedicated to advancing sustainability and environmental action in a community of faith.
Green Teams meet regularly to explore their faith tradition’s commitment to care for the natural world and to cultivate individual and communal practices that embody these commitments.
Green Teams seek to educate their faith community, employ practical solutions to combat climate change at the congregational and community level, and challenge unjust systems that perpetuate harm to creation and neighbor.
Green Team Coaching & Perks
Registered Green Teams have access to a variety of special resources including an online Facebook community, individualized Green Team Coaching, Green Team Roundtables, and more. Registered Green Teams receive dedicated Green Team communication and support from GIPL’s program staff on an ongoing basis.
Green Team Locator
Looking for a faith community to join with an already established record of dedicated environmental stewardship? Check out our Green Team Map.
Don’t miss out on all the Green Team goodness!
Register as a Green Team member and receive bi-monthly newsletters, Roundtable information, early registration for special events, and other valuable environmental updates!