Helping Congregations Embrace Energy Efficiency and Environmental Justice!
Energy efficiency retrofits are one of the high-impact climate solutions identified by Drawdown GA. The inefficient use of electricity and natural gas in our buildings makes up more than 30 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. So energy-efficiency retrofits are one of the most impactful and easy-to-implement climate solutions available for congregational facilities. Faith communities that participate in GIPL’s Power-Wise energy-efficiency program may also save up to 20 percent on their energy bills by implementing the recommended retrofits and upgrades.
Since 2003, GIPL has performed over 400 energy audits for faith communities across the state of Georgia and awarded over one million dollars in energy-efficiency matching grant funds to help congregations invest in energy-efficiency upgrades that would otherwise be cost-prohibitive. This has not only allowed each of these congregations to combat climate change and environmental injustice, but it has also helped to save money that may now be reinvested into their communities and mission priorities.
GIPL’s Power-Wise program is designed to help congregations lower their carbon footprint by reducing the amount of energy that is consumed on-site. This reduction in energy consumption helps to reduce environmental injustices that are caused by the improper storage of energy waste, and the public health problems that are caused by coal and natural gas plants in Georgia.
Professional Energy Audit
Analysis of energy data of the entire congregation’s campus
Customized energy-efficiency projects and implementation plan
Personal audit review and debrief in consultation with GIPL staff
Eligibility to apply for energy efficiency matching grants of up to $7,000 each year, for up to six years.
Synagogues, mosques, churches, temples, religious schools, and other worship facilities are eligible to participate in this program!
The fee to enroll in Power-Wise ranges from $300-$1000 and is based on a congregation’s budget.
Program Includes:
GIPL is partnering with the EPA’S ENERGY STAR program to help congregations lower their carbon footprint and increase energy efficiency on site. The ENERGY STAR Action Workbook for Congregations can be used in conjunction with the congregation’s Energy Audit Report as a resource to help faith communities implement realistic and effective energy efficiency projects. Download the ENERGY STAR Action Workbook for Congregations.