The Archdiocese of Atlanta Laudato Si Initiative

The Archdiocese of Atlanta Laudato Si Initiative (LSI) began in March 2020 and is a seven-year effort based on the concept of integral ecology…meaning the connectivity of everything.  With Pope Francis' Encyclical Letter Laudato Si as a moral compass, the LSI will build on the momentum of the Archdiocese of Atlanta Laudato Si Action Plan, the Annual Green Mass, and experience gained from the 2017 Laudato Si Action Plan Pilot Project.We will take urgent and impactful action on the Pope’s pleas to "hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor" and “cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents.”  The effort will engage up to 1.2 million Catholics (and 340 priests and seminarians) in 128 Catholic parishes, missions and schools throughout North Georgia.The goals of the LSI are to:

  • Reduce our Environmental Impact via Comprehensive, Urgent, and Impactful Action
  • Incorporate Comprehensive Climate Action throughout the Archdiocese
  • Continue to Advocate for Social, Economic and Environmental Justice
  • Move Forward as a Servant Leader in the Practice of Integral Ecology
  • Create and implement a Sustainable, Sharable and Duplicable Laudato Si Initiative

Under the direction of Kat Doyle of the Justice and Peace Ministries, Sustainability Coordinators Leonard Robinson and Brian Savoie are leading the LSI effort. So far, they have engaged 24 parishes and schools, as well as dozens of organizations as potential partners and collaborators.  For more info, email us at, or


Lenten Season: Giving Up or Gaining Ground


Taking A Stand for Creation, People, and Whales