Celebrate Earth Day all season!

earth dayGIPL encourages faith communities across Georgia to celebrate Earth Day  all season long. While officially Earth Day is April 22,  people of faith are preparing for earth-honoring worship, prayer and witness beginning this weekend. And although we believe that every day is Earth Day, this is the time of year set apart to honor the gifts of Creation and our responsibility to care for the Earth.So exactly how does a congregation celebrate Earth Day? Many congregations are including prayers on behalf of Creation in weekly worship; some are organizing volunteers to help with community clean-ups and other projects; others are officially establishing Creation Care committees for their congregation. During this time, GIPL encourages all congregations to become "green-certified" through our  Creation Wise program. But whatever witness you choose this Earth Day, make a pledge to honor Creation in some way in the coming weeks and let us know how you did it! Email us at info@gipl.org.


St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Receives GIPL Grant


Trailblazer Award - St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Tucker