Clean Power Plan—Our Support Continues

This week, hundreds gathered at the offices of the Environmental Protection Agency in downtown Atlanta to share their support (or disdain) for the Clean Power Plan - a rule GIPL has been advocating as a way to reduce carbon pollution as emitted by our country's greatest offenders - coal-fired power plants. GIPL's founder, Rev. Woody Bartlett testified, as well as our executive director Rev. Kate McGregor Mosley, for a second time showing support for this important rule. When enacted, the rule would place strict limits as to how much carbon pollution is emitted by power plants in Georgia (and beyond), thereby diminishing harmful toxins in the air that contribute to increased rates of asthma and other public health concerns. Another faithful advocate shares his testimony here in our blog. Thanks to Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley, National IPL Board member and respected Atlanta clergyman for sharing these good words.Delivered on Thursday, November 19, 2015 at the Sam Nunn Federal Center, Atlanta, Georgia:Good Morning, My name is Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley, Pastor Emeritus of Providence Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. I am a national Board member of Interfaith Power & Light and a 2015 White House Champion of Change. I am grateful for the opportunity afforded me to share my thoughts, feelings and concerns in support of the Clean Power Plan.I have been fighting for the civil and human rights for all Americans for 55 years and am thoroughly convinced that climate change and global warming are the civil, human and moral issues of our time. Climate change is an equal opportunity destroyer of people and communities.Climate change and global warming are real and the specific communities that I serve are experiencing and feeling the devastating, disproportionate, negative impacts more than affluent communities. Rising temperatures and the increased levels of carbon in the environment have caused asthmatic rates to soar among our children, while the elderly are suffering from deadly heat waves.It is regrettable that climate and weather disasters have cost the American economy more than $100 billion. Science has concluded that the high levels of carbon emitted into the environment are caused by various sources, however the largest polluters are power plants, which account for roughly one-third of all domestic greenhouse gas emissions.The world and America are at a critical tipping “NO-RETURN” point to prevent the destruction of human, animal and plant life caused by climate upheavals. The Clean Power Plan is by far the most comprehensive and viable option proposed to cut carbon pollution by 25% in 2030.I am strongly encouraging that the Clean Power Plan also review closely other health and environmental conditions around nuclear plants in low-income and minority communities even though their carbon emission levels are minimal when on-line.I understand that those opposed to the Clean Power Plan are concerned about their return on investment. I’m not opposed to a profit being realized but not at the expense of human life and environmental stability.The Clean Power Plan when implemented will produce climate and health benefits estimated between $55 billion and $93 billion in 2030 while avoiding between 2,700-6,000 premature deaths; and 140,000-150,000 asthma attacks in children. Our health is worth more than what it costs to limit carbon emissions. This Clean Power Plan will not create economic burdens or financial hardships on low-income and minority communities as some opponents are articulating.The world is currently under attack by terrorists. Can American afford to be guilty of being called terrorists against the environment by denying that climate change and global warming are not killing us at an alarming rate? Our inaction by not speaking out is terroristic threat to a healthy environment.The interfaith community today joins forces with scientists, educators, business people and politicians to support and endorse the Clean Power Plan. The 190 nations at the COP 21 Conference need to witness the United States of America united and taking a bold stand for life by supporting the Clean Power Plan. Why am I here, you may ask? Because I believe that ALL LIFE MATTERS.Thank you.grandparentsdaydurley


Giving Thanks for the Bounty of Our Good Earth


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