Congregation of the Year - St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Monroe
This year's congregation of the year award was given to St. Alban's Episcopal Church in Monroe.In 2005, someone asked at the St. Alban's church’s annual meeting, “How much do we spend on utilities?" That simple question started a quest that continues today at St. Alban’s. They have cut their utility bills in half, earned an Energy Star Congregational award in 2010, they were one of the first 28 congregations in the nation to win this award and the only award given in Georgia, and they earned an Energy Star in 2011 and 2012.In cooperation with the Monroe Garden Club, GIPL, and the Upper Chattahoochee River Keeper, they presented a program during the Christian season of Lent last winter called “Creation Wise”. This was a series of 3 courses: Dirt Wise, Energy Wise, and Water Wise. They supplemented the GIPL courses with additional speakers from their community. The class featured experts in organic gardening, advice on ground preparation, soil conservation, pest control, alternate energy sources, and organic gardening in our area.
They also hosted a GIPL rain barrel making class and built 20 rain barrels. This congregation teaches recycling, repair and reuse in all of their educational class as well as how to protect God’s Creation. They have expanded their already extensive recycling program, in which they collect everything from cardboard to ink cartridges, by adding a community fed Terracycle program.In another innovative partnership St. Alban's, Walton Wellness and Walton County Sheriff's Office created a jail garden. This garden is tended by the county jail inmates and the food that is grown is distributed by St. Alban's to the needy in their community. This past year they have provided food to over 2000 families.St. Albans leads their community in all aspects of caring for Creation and have set the bar high for other churches to reach. A wonderful example of what a small parish of only 82 families can accomplish, we were proud to present the congregation of the year award to St. Albans Episcopal Church in Monroe.