Dennis Creech to Keynote 10th Annual GIPPYs

Make plans to kick off Earth Week with GIPL by attending the 10th Annual GIPPY Awards featuring keynote speaker Dennis Creech of Southface. Creech has been a leader in sustainability initiatives for the past four decades. As co-founder and director of Southface Energy Institute in Atlanta, he is part business manager, energy advocate, and community organizer. Most importantly, he is a trusted leader across the Southeast, able to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders towards a common goal of building sustainable communities. His work has focused primarily on energy and our consumption of it, and driving people to the clean energy marketplace. Named one of "100 Most Influential Georgians,” Creech also practices what he preaches. Southface headquarters are some of the most sustainably-designed offices in the area, modeling for the wider community all the ways our homes and businesses can bear witness to a higher lever of eco-consciousness.In addition to Creech, this year's GIPPY Awards will feature HARMONY: Atlanta's International 100_1106.jpg HARMONY on Fox 5Youth Chorus. HARMONY sings messages of peace, justice, hope, reconciliation and unity in 37 languages. They embrace the belief that training culturally diverse children to perform together enhances the quality of life in our communities and the world.The 10th Annual GIPPYs will be on April 17, from 3-5 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, 1911 Cliff Valley Way, NE in Atlanta. Tickets are $10 and available here.GIPL currently partners with Southface in a collaborative effort to bring more roof-top solar to houses of worship and non-profit organizations across Georgia. If your faith community is interested in exploring solar energy as one way to reduce energy costs and practice Creation care, contact GIPL to learn more about this new program!


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Creation Consciousness as a Spiritual Discipline