Emory Presbyterian Church Wins Light Award at the GIPPYs

2010 Light AwardOur second winner at the Fifth Annual GIPPY Awards is Emory Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, who won the Light Award for excellence in promoting Creation Care in worship and education.

Emory Presbyterian has dedicated significant time and talents to educate their congregation, their community, and themselves on the many ways to care for creation, as well as incorporating caring for creation in worship.Emory Presbyterian is a founding member of the Atlanta Presbytery’s Earth Covenant Ministry, an environmental ministry of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta, and it was the first congregation in the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta to approve funding for this ministry.Emory PresbyterianEmory Presbyterian was also the first church in the Greater Atlanta Presbytery to host Earth Covenant Ministry’s four week Faith and the Environment educational series. They also dedicated the six weeks of worship during the 2010 Easter Season as the “Season of Creation.” In 2010, Emory Presbyterian celebrated its fifth annual Earth Day with special education classes, worship, plant swapping, and an organic, locally produced luncheon supplied by Rainbow Foods.They recently held a worship service to dedicate an enormous maple tree on their property to the memory of a recently deceased environmental activist. Emory Presbyterian has introduced organic foods to the uninitiated, staged plant swaps, ceased using Styrofoam, and constructed inexpensive rain barrels and made them available to the communityEmory PresbyterianFor years now Emory Presbyterian has intentionally employed Creation Care imagery in their worship and provided educational opportunities in the realm of global resource use, food justice, and environmental awareness, from screening “An Inconvenient Truth” for the neighborhood, to hosting guest speakers on locally grown food, to distributing CFL bulbs as a part of an Advent devotional program.Emory Presbyterian Church has been quite serious this past year about raising environmental consciousness, linking creation care with faith, and implementing personal and corporate sustainability measures.This Light award is given to Emory Presbyterian Church in recognition of all of their hard work and because it reinforces and will add momentum to the sustainability efforts of this small but committed community of faith. We hope this award will allow this congregation to truly realize its role as an emerging leader in faithful witness to creation care.Congratulations to Emory Presbyterian Church, winner of this year’s Light Award!


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