Georgia Builds on Clean Energy Momentum with Commission’s Vote

Final Decision in Approving Georgia Power’s Long Term Energy PlanAtlanta, GA— The Public Service Commission this past week maintained Georgia’s momentum toward a clean energy future in its final decision approving Georgia Power Company’s long term energy plan.The decision adds new solar generation while leaving work to do on promoting small-scale and consumer solar. The final decision also takes important steps to bring energy saving benefits to disadvantaged communities.The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) represented  Georgia Interfaith Power and Light (GIPL) and Southface Energy Institute in the proceedings on Georgia Power’s 2016 integrated resource plan (IRP) for meeting customers’ energy needs over the next 20 years. GIPL has engaged in the IRP process for over ten years, yielding good results with ensuring Georgia Power embrace energy efficiency and renewables as viable options to meet our state’s energy needs.Over several months of hearings this year, we advocated for greater investments in solar, improvements in Georgia Power’s valuation of solar and other renewables, fair compensation for rooftop solar customers, and greater energy efficiency measures, including programs to better serve low-income customers. Georgia Power’s filing in January acknowledged the need to prepare for a future in which there will be limits on carbon emissions from power production.  Today’s decision takes important steps in that direction, building on Georgia’s emergence as a national clean energy leader. The decision includes:Central-Presbyterian-Church

  • Approval of up to 1.6 GW of new renewable energy resources - a large portion of which will likely be solar. This nearly triples Georgia Power’s initial proposal, which called for 525 MW, the same amount approved in the last IRP. The renewable resource additions are enough to power about 250,000 homes.
  • A commitment to direct at least $1.5 million toward energy savings measures in low-income multi-family housing.
  • A requirement for Georgia Power to develop and present a new program for serving the needs of low-income customers, who are among the most burdened by high energy bills.
  • A requirement for Georgia Power to develop a whole building data access program. This will allow owners of commercial and multi-family buildings to measure and manage their building’s energy performance, which will in turn unleash substantial, market-driven energy savings.

“We applaud the Commission for taking us further in the direction of a clean energy future for Georgia," said SELC Senior Attorney Kurt Ebersbach. "Today's decision continues positive momentum that has already been beneficial to our economy and our air while lowering carbon emissions.”“We are pleased with the Commission's support for expanding Georgia Power's renewable energy program but regret a missed opportunity,” said Lisa Bianchi-Fossati, Director of Policy at Southface. “Rooftop solar customers in Georgia who send some of the power they generate to the grid are not currently fairly compensated for the valuable and clean energy they produce. We appreciate the effort of Commissioners McDonald and Echols to support such a program under this IRP and look forward to addressing this issue in the future.”“The energy efficiency programs approved by the Commission today allow more Georgians to realize achievable energy savings,” said Rev. Kate McGregor Mosley, Executive Director of GIPL. “As a faith-based organization, this issue is deeply important to us, as it offers support to our low-income citizens, for whom utility bills can constitute a substantial share of monthly income. No one should have to choose between keeping the lights on and putting food on the table.”


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