Holy Comforter Episcopal Church Receives a GIPL Energy Efficiency Grant to Upgrade Lighting to LED

Holy Comforter Episcopal Church has been a GIPL partner for over a decade, and received a pre-Power Wise energy audit in November 2007.   The audit was conducted by Shane Totten of Southface and Woody Bartlett, GIPL co-founder.  They were a former recipient of the GIPPY Trailblazer award.  Holy Comforter applied for their first GIPL matching grant in 2009 and received $1,134 to upgrade T-12 fluorescent lights in the Parish Hall to T-5 fluorescents.  This year, they applied for funding to upgrade their sanctuary lighting from 200 watt incandescent lights to 7 watt LED.  The incandescent lights cost $770 annually to operate while the LED cost $32 annually.  In addition, they will upgrade all their exit signs to LED.    The grants committee recognized the merits of their grant application.  The committee awarded Holy Comforter Episcopal Church $4,432 to help fund these energy conservation measures from their energy audit.Reverend Alexis Chase, formerly executive director for GIPL, has continued the church’s creation care efforts, which include an organic garden and use of compostable dining ware.  The church actively participates in the preach-in on climate change, celebrates Earth Day annually and hosts creation care education events several times a year.  Alexis also preaches about the benefits of energy efficiency and why we should embrace creation care as a direct reflection of our faith.In 2018, help your congregation save money through energy efficiency.  The first step is to obtain a low-cost energy audit through GIPL’s Power Wise Program.  A professional engineer with over 25 years energy management experience will conduct the audit and prepare the audit report which will serve as your roadmap to energy efficiency.  Recommendations in the audit are eligible for up to $10,000 in matching grants.  The deadline for grant applications is November 15, 2018.  Make this the year to help care for creation at and through your congregation. 


Meet Our Summer Solar Wise Coordinator: Intern Maddie Cox


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