Honey Bees - A Blessing of God

Mahmooda Rehman lives in Cobb county with her family. She is a member of Ahmadiyya Muslim community, serves as the women’s auxiliary outreach director and Humanity First representative, an international humanitarian and disaster relief organization. Her writings have been published in Marietta Daily Journal and Patch. She believes in service to humanity, interfaith dialog and protecting the environment.honey bee, reflections, Islam, interfaith, Creation Care, congregations, community, advocacyDid you know that millions of bees are dying across America from a pesticide called Neonicotniods? And if these chemicals continue to be used, the bee population could become extinct, as well as the fruits and vegetables that rely on bees for pollination, according to Greenpeace? ( an independent global organization that advocates for protection and conservation of the environment).The extinction of honeybees would be tragic not only because the fruits and vegetables will disappear with them but because of the loss of honey itself. In the Muslim world honey is used for medical purposes and it is a common belief that its use will bring a cure, because God has mentioned it in the Quran (Muslim holy book). According to Muslims the honeybee is a sign of God’s attribute of Al-Shaafi (the Healer).God says in the Quran, “And they Lord has inspired the bee, saying, ‘Make though houses in the hills and in the trees and in the trellises which they build”. (16:69)The verse contains the beautiful hint that all things and creatures serve the purpose of their existence and something as small as a honeybee has a purpose and that God has not created anything, no matter how small or minuscule it may seem, without a reason.In the next verse of the same chapter God says, “Then eat of every kind of fruit, and follow the ways of thy Lord that have been made easy for thee. ‘ There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying hues. Therein is cure for men. Surely, in that is a sign for a people who reflect”. (16:70)God inspires the bee to collect its food from different fruits and flowers and then by means of the mechanism provided in its body and by the methods reveled to it by God it converts the collected food into honey. That honey possesses different colors and flavors but all its different varieties are highly useful for man.As a Muslim I am deeply troubled by the fact that the honeybees may become extinct. Islam emphasizes the sanctity of life. I believe that its extinction will be a sign of God’s punishment, and it will also cause a ripple effect and threaten our food and environment. God has entrusted us with His creation and honoring that trust is our responsibility. The arduous effort of the bees alone should give everyone a great appreciation for these creatures. Honeybee is a God’s blessing!Support your local honeybee farms and next time when you see a honeybee, take a moment to thank God for this tiny creature, who is responsible for not only the fruits and vegetables that you enjoy but also provides cure.


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