This guest reflection was written by Fairyal Halim, a public speaker with the Islamic Speakers Bureau of AtlantaFor Muslims, belief in one God/Allah is but one side of a coin where the other side is action. Belief to not be followed by action is an incomplete faith. Just like knowledge without application is incomplete, in the same way for Muslims: belief in Allah without the requisite accompanying actions is incomplete. When speaking of belief I’m not just talking about the practice that Muslims engage in like praying 5 times a day, or fasting during the month of Ramadan, but rather something that is more comprehensive. Something that encompasses all aspects of life on earth.

So when Muslims are told via the Quran (the directly revealed word of God),

It is He who has appointed you viceroys in the earth 6: 165

Quranic scholarship informs them to mean that all humans are the appointed guardians of the earth. In this role, it becomes incumbent upon humans to take this stewardship seriously. Learning about the earth and all its creation, then elevating that knowledge into action to taking care of the earth and all its creation. Only using resources which are necessary and not wasting anything, reusing and reducing wherever possible. Deeply entrenched within the Islamic thought is this concept that a Muslim must leave things or situations/interactions in a better place than they first happen upon it. Engaging in these actions then turns into expressions of gratitude, worship and mindfulness towards the Creator. The ultimate goal of each Muslim is to be in a state of complete submission to Allah.


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