How to Be Wise About Your Waste: One Congregation's Dumpster Dive

Our Creation Wise programs are called "Wise" guides for a reason -- they help your congregation wise up to better practices so that you can save resources, money, and the planet.Waste Wise is a way to take a closer look at the trash we produce as we practice our faith, and how we can consciously reduce that environmental impact. Auditing your congregation's dumpster is a jump start to that process -- what's in there that could have been diverted somewhere else? What recycling programs might your faith community start to help tackle the issue? How can we be more thoughtful about the things we throw away?We offer practical tips for reducing, reusing, and recycling, as well as instructions for hosting a Recycle Your Life event, and two study sessions for use in a small group setting. You can see a preview of our Waste Wise informational booklet here.To whet your Waste Wise whistle, check out this waste audit held at GIPL Executive Director Kate McGregor Mosley's home church, North Decatur Presbyterian. They uncovered some surprises when they pried open that dumpster lid and dove on in:Many thanks to Tom Mills of Greenshortz for the video.


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