Humming Along

We’ve made it to August! For the GIPL team, like most of you, that’s no small thing. We’ve been working on a succession plan in preparation for Kate’s departure this month. Even in the midst of significant transition, things are humming along nicely. Are we as graceful and mesmerizing as the hummingbird? Maybe not. But it feels we are as fruitful even as lives are threatened by COVID-19 and souls are crushed by racism.  What are we to make of these times?

Around here, we see an opportunity for greater imagination and innovation. We see hope and perseverance guiding our steps into the unknown – this unknown future of our world and our organization. But like we always have done, we move forward in hope. We persevere in the midst of change and challenge. We hire the right talent to embrace this work and lead more people of faith to the waters of stewardship and sustainability.

Codi Norred began leading GIPL as our Interim Executive Director on August 1, 2020.  Kate is using this time in the office to pack up and say “see ya later” to a plethora of friends made these past ten years.  The Board of Directors is meeting more often to best manage these changing times. More people are stepping up to lead, putting GIPL in the best position to embrace the “new normal” that is our world right now.

But you can see, our program offerings are still robust, and we’re here to help you stay engaged in climate policy that protects all of Creation and be inspired to lead your own faith community in sustainability practices even in these changing times. We'll see you online!

The GIPL Team continues to work remotely during the COVID-19 global pandemic.  The fastest way to reach our team is by sending an email -- if you are unsure who to direct your email to, simply send a message to  Our office line voicemail (404.377.5552) is checked once a week. 


A Fond Farewell...


GIPL Mourns the Loss of Beth Bond - Creation Care Champion