In Gratitude for 2016

GIPL has so much to be thankful for from 2016. We were humbled and overwhelmed by the generosity of our supporters during end-of-year giving. Because of you, we can continue doing this work in 2017!Here are a few more reasons why we give thanks today: 

  • $55,000 in energy-efficiency grants awarded in 2016 to help 17 congregations reduce their carbon footprint and save money on their energy bills.
  • 75 solar installations on homes and businesses completed during the Solarize Athens campaign. (800,000 lbs of CO2 pollution avoided!)
  • 75 classes & presentations led by GIPL staff & volunteers.
  • 300 GIPL friends and counting who made financial gifts to fund our mission.
  • Ten years of GIPPY Award celebrations and four GIPPY Awards given to faith communities to recognize their exemplary work in faithful environmental action.
  • 65 signed up for Solarize Decatur-DeKalb thus far, and more will come through January 31, 2017!

We also launched our Green Team Registry as part of our larger efforts to bring together Creation Care congregations across the state. Register your congregation today and stay connected! There is much about which to be thankful in spite of the environmental challenges we face still in Georgia. We are committed to ongoing efforts to ensure a sustainable future for Georgia, powered by clean energy. We are grateful to be on this journey with you and are ever-more energized by the momentum of the faith-based environmental movement here in Georgia.


Serving the Environment, Our Communities


Pursue Justice this Winter Solstice