Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church Receives GIPL Energy Efficiency Grant

Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church has received another matching grant from GIPL! Having completed a Power Wise energy audit in 2014, this congregation has been committed to increasing energy efficiencies around their church. During the 2014 grant cycle they received $2,705 to install WiFi thermostats and upgrade pendant incandescent flood lights to LED in their sanctuary. Estimated annual energy savings were about $2,800 just from installing the WiFi thermostats. Although not documented, both projects led to reduced energy use and cost savings following their installation. With life spans of 25,000 hours, labor costs were also reduced by replacing incandescent floodlights in the sanctuary with LED bulbs. This year, they applied for funding to upgrade their remaining fluorescent lights to LED. The grants committee recognized the merits of their grant application with its estimated annual energy savings of $2,342. The committee awarded Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church $3,360 to implement these energy conservation measures from their Power Wise energy audit.Recently, GIPL co-founder Carol Bartlett and GIPL Board member Beth Remmes worshipped at LPC and presented the grant check to the congregation during the service. We look forward to seeing the fruits of their Creation care efforts in the coming months!In 2018, you too can help your congregation save money through energy efficiency. The first step is to obtain a low-cost energy audit through GIPL’s Power Wise Program. A professional engineer with over 25 years energy management experience will conduct the audit and prepare the audit report which will serve as your roadmap to energy efficiency. Recommendations in the audit are eligible for up to $10,000 in matching grants. The deadline for grant applications is November 15, 2018. Make this the year to help care for creation at and through your congregation.


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