Meet our Contextual Education II Intern: Tina Spencer-Smith

With a passion for the intersection of spirituality and sustainability, Tina is excited about serving as a Ministry Consultant with GIPL and carrying out the sacred work of God through environmental activism in the local community. She also serves on GIPL's Advisory Council and holds USGBC’s LEED Green Associate accreditation. She is a member of Zion Hill Baptist Church in Atlanta, where she leads the Planet Preservers’ ministry.Tina holds a Master in Environmental Policy and Management from the University of Denver and a Certificate of Theology from The Interdenominational Theological Center, and is currently a Master of Divinity degree candidate at Candler School of Theology. She has over 25 years of corporate marketing and business development experience and is the founder of Eco Geo Solutions, LLC, a sustainability consulting firm. On her list of favorite things to do is watching the ocean’s waves, while listening to what she calls the “whispers of God.”Tina is serving as GIPL's Contextual Education II (ConEd II) intern for the entire 2018-19 academic year.  Tina's work will be focused on environmental justice and congregational outreach.


Install Solar. Plant Trees. Eat Your Veggies!


5 Reasons Why You Should Go To A Garba Raas Dance During The Hindu Holiday Of Navratri