Moving Forward with the Clean Power Plan

GIPL has been showing its support for the EPA’s Clean Power Plan since word of it first appeared a couple years ago. The plan is designed to curb greenhouse gas emissions from the nation’s top polluters – power plants – by regulating the C02 emitted from these power generators. This rule is in support of the Clean Air Act as passed over 40 years ago. The EPA’s job is to set limits as to amount of pollutants in the air, essentially protecting the air we all breathe in order to live.Until now, carbon pollution has not been regulated fully in this country. These carbon pollution emissions from coal-fired power plants are driving climate change and causing an imbalance in the earth’s ability to moderate its temperature and climate.infographBut truly, no matter what folks think about climate change, the Clean Power Plan is good for Georgia and good for the country. In Georgia, it calls for greater access and implementation of energy efficiency as a way to cut carbon pollution. Everyone wins when we use less energy. GIPL knows this because we have helped hundreds of congregations reduce their energy needs and save tens of thousands of dollars in the process. And that’s money going right back in to the local communities as served by those congregations. When congregations save money on their utility bills, they use those savings to fund programs that feed the hungry, house the homeless, and care for the needy, just to name a few ways in which they serve our communities.The Clean Power Plan also calls for investments in clean, renewable energy such as solar and wind. Georgia Power has had little incentive to cut its coal habit, which currently is at least 40% of our energy mix. Solar and other renewable energy options are a tiny sliver of the power pie as designed by Georgia Power. The Clean Power Plan seeks to change that and move us off significant dependence on dirty fossil-fueled power. The clean energy economy in Georgia is set to benefit from this investment. Solar is already making great strides in the marketplace and GIPL is part of a coalition that is seeking to make bulk-purchasing of solar panels affordable for faith communities, residents, and businesses alike.The Clean Power Plan is worthy of our support. Join GIPL as we now turn up the volume on our advocacy opposed to Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens' latest lawsuit against the EPA over this important and necessary energy rule.The ink had barely dried on the federally published Clean Power Plan last Friday when Olens filed a lawsuit against the EPA in order to block the ruling. GIPL believes this lawsuit to be unethical and a misuse of taxpayer funds. In order to secure clean power and protect our air and water, we need a working mix of government regulation and creative innovation from the energy and business sector. Let’s stop the lawsuit and let’s start investing in efficient and clean energy for Georgia!Rev. Kate McGregor Mosley is Executive Director of GIPL. 


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