Nacoochee Presbyterian Church Goes Solar!
Caring for Creation is an important part of the Outreach Ministry of Nacoochee Presbyterian Church. In 2017 our pastor, Bob Prim, and the Earth Ministry Committee (sub-committee of Outreach) presented a Lenten study series to our congregation based on the book, Care for Creation (a franciscan spirituality of the earth) by Ilia Deleo, O.S.F, Keith Douglas Warner, O.F.M. and Pamela Wood. In this five-week series we discussed the theological and scientific aspects of caring for creation, the issues around climate change, and how we as a community of faith could address this in our personal lives as well as a congregation.As a result, the session of Nacoochee Presbyterian Church voted to reduce the church’s energy use with a goal of installing solar panels for our church’s electric needs. GIPL assisted us along this journey with an Power Wise Energy Audit, a matching grant for energy efficiency improvements to our building, and guidance through exploring solar installation options.Due to a generous gift to our church we were able to move forward toward this goal and in May 2020 our solar panels were installed! We at Nacoochee Presbyterian Church are very grateful for the help and guidance we received from Codi Norred, Program Director at GIPL and the entire GIPL team on this amazing journey.Guest author: Nancy Greear, Green Team Leader and Member of Nacoochee Presbyterian ChurchCongratulations, Nacoochee Presbyterian! We are grateful to have you as one of our GIPL congregations and green teams. Learn more about GIPL's Solar Wise program.
If you are interested in a Power Wise Energy Audit for your faith space, visit our Power Wise webpage or contact us at