People Who Educate and Inspire Us
This was a fruitful year for GIPL, filled with good work for the planet and gatherings to inspire Creation care. We're grateful to all who helped this happen, through their time, money, and wisdom.Through programs, classes, lectures, keynotes and song, we were inspired and compelled to act on the earth's behalf. A few of the people who helped lead the way were:Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham, president and founder of Interfaith Power & Light, who gave the key note address at our 9th Annual GIPPY Awards, and also joined us to speak at our VIP Luncheon. In her messages, Rev. Bingham's reminded us that, “This is really a life or death situation. This is about our values—shared purpose to protect God’s creation and save ourselves from ourselves. We can do it, we must do it, and with God’s grace and support, we will do it.”
Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd, meteorologist, director of UGA's atmospheric sciences program, and past president of the American Meteorological Society, joined us for our Genesis Society reception and the Interfaith Clergy Breakfast to help expand our climate literacy. Shepherd, who describes himself as a “living, breathing scientist who believes there’s no conflict between science and faith,” gave us practical, understandable ways to engage in meaningful conversation about the real, devastating changes that are happening to our planet’s climate.
Huda Alkaff, founder and director of the Islamic Environmental Group of Wisconsin and 2015 White House Champion of Change, presented practical, yet meaningful ways Muslims in particular can engage in environmental action here in Georgia at our special event, "Connecting Islamic Faith and Sustainability." Huda also serves on the national Interfaith Power and Light Campaigns Committee, national Greening Ramadan Task Force, and the Milwaukee Environmental Consortium Board of Directors.
Caroline Herring, singer and songwriter, who shared her gift of song with us at our Summer Solstice event, which gathered people of all faiths in the garden to enjoy fellowship, and celebrate the Solstice through blessings, liturgy, and music. Her haunting and soulful lyrics set the perfect tone for our earth celebration.Mountaintops are made of 1,000 pound bouldersThat roll down the hills and on to our shouldersLord let me bear it for safe keepingLord let me shield it from my dearest jeremyBye baby baby byeLittle baby bye byeBye baby baby byeMy little baby bye byeMama will rock you til you are sleepingAngels will hold you in their keepingPowerful men will make their moneyYour name will live here in the mountains of wise county It's through your generous support that we're able to engage in these meaningful connections. We rely on your donations to do the work we do. As you consider your year-end benevolences, know that every dollar given to GIPL through December 31 will be doubled through a special grant. The gifts you give us today will go twice as far toward faithful care for Creation. Any amount helps! You can click here to make a secure donation via our website, or you can mail checks made payable to GIPL to P.O. Box 286, Decatur, GA 30031.We're grateful for you and look forward to bringing you more inspiration in 2016!