Power Wise Energy Efficiency Grants At Work—Ahavath Achim Synagogue

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Each year GIPL awards Energy Efficiency Matching Grants to congregations or religiously-affiliated organizations who have undergone a Power Wise energy audit, to help them achieve the goals set through the audit.

Ahavath Achim Synagogue in Atlanta, one of this year's recipients, was awarded $5,000 to upgrade the lightbulbs, fixtures, and ballasts in the synagogue that has been their home since 1958. They have faithfully carried out their retrofit project, and are now reaping the bright, energy-efficient rewards.

They began with the main office, which serves as a hub for the daily operations of the synagogue. Ahavath Achim's Executive Director, Manuel Mesa, says:

"We hope to apply and receive future grants in order to continue the retrofitting of our facility. One of the advantages of this retrofit is our carbon footprint is down and we will save money on our utilities moving forward. As we continue to make positive economical and environmental changes at AA we hope to further our greening initiative."

We commend Ahavath Achim for their Creation care work, and for completing this earth-honoring project!


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