Refugees Benefit From Energy Efficiency at Clarkston Church

Clarkston International Bible Church (CIBC) in Clarkston was awarded a GIPL Power Wise Energy Efficiency Matching Grant to support their in-house energy efficiency efforts. Following their energy audit in November 2014, they applied for a 2016 grant for $10,000 to:

  1. Provide 21 WiFi thermostats
  2. Replace 15 Gym light fixtures with T-5 light fixtures
  3. Replace 258 T-12 light fixtures with T-8 light fixtures
  4. Replace 110 Sanctuary chandelier lights with LED

The estimated annual energy savings when all energy conservation measures are completed is $8,049 or about 15% of annual energy costs. In addition to the annual energy savings, they applied to the Georgia Power Commercial Energy Efficiency Program for rebates on their projects prior to applying to GIPL. They received $13,276 in rebates reducing their monetary request from GIPL and cutting their overall project costs.This church has a large refugee population. It shares space with six other churches plus three non-profit partners. Friends of Refugees is one of its most strategic partners and operates 20,000 square feet of space at CIBC. Over 1,500 people from 20 different countries visit the community center each week. In a very unique approach, CIBC has hired a refugee contractor and he engaged apprentice refugee electricians to do the work and used refugee electricians to oversee them. The apprentices got the hours needed to obtain electrician certification and hopefully get a job as an electrician.CIBC takes Creation care seriously and has a community garden to grow healthy food. They are also interested in partnering with the City of Clarkston to develop a recycling center in CIBC’s parking lot. Finally, they are exploring adding solar units in partnership with Café Clarkston, which would allow training of refugees on solar installations so they can get jobs in the solar industry.Congratulations to Clarkston International Bible Church on their matching grant, and their creative way to help refugees obtain needed training to get good paying jobs. We look forward to their continued work with the GIPL community, and hope that their sustainability efforts inspire other faith communities across Georgia to join the GIPL Power Wise Program.The next matching grant application deadline is November 15, 2017. If your congregation has not yet received a GIPL energy audit, visit our website to sign up today!


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