Rev. Michael Malcom Named Environmental Justice Representative for Southeast Conference

by Michael Malcom
Peace and blessings,I wanted to take some time to introduce myself. I am Michael Malcom and I am the newly appointed Environmental Justice Representative for the Southeast Conference. I am the Senior Pastor of Rush Memorial Congregational Church UCC in Atlanta, GA. I am also the Director of South Carolina Interfaith Power and Light. I consider myself an impassioned neophyte in manners of creation care. I heard, believe, and evangelize the message of creation care however I am new to the movement. This, for me, has placed me in the best position in this movement. I know just enough to follow the conversation yet; I am proficient enough in the novice language to interpret in a way that is manageable.It is my passion to shape the language of creation care in a way that it calls all of our attention to the issue so that that the masses become environmentally conscious. I found myself drawn to this work through my experience with Sustaining Way which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that teaches about Sustainability and Creation Care. I found that the voice of the faith community (in particular, the African American faith community) is very sparsely represented in the conversation of Environmental Justice. I realized the importance of the voice of the Faith Community shaping the language of Environmental Justice to reach the masses and weave a message of hope throughout the language of Environmental Justice and Climate Care.

My goal for the Southeast Conference is for every leader within the conference to be empowered to speak truth to power through education and mobilization by the Southeast Conference’s Creation Justice Ministry.We are in the process of putting together a steering committee and would like to invite our Faith Leaders, green team leaders, and environmentally conscious congregants to be a part of our steering committee. If you are interested please give me a call at (404) 827-8968.Originally posted on April 24, 2018:

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