Winter Solstice & the Plant Vogtle Decision
The shortest day of the year has just given us the longest-running nightmare of an energy project here in Georgia. On this Winter Solstice, the Public Service Commission voted unanimously to continue the Plant Vogtle nuclear project despite billiions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule.
GIPL has been engaged in this case for the past several months, in partnership with the Southern Environmental Law Center and Partnership for Southern Equity. We had grave concerns about the harsh economic impact of the Vogtle project and how rate payers, Georgia citizens, are hit daily in their wallets by these cost overruns. We especially were concerned for our most vulnerable neighbors who struggle to make ends meet and are straddled with high energy bills.
The decision made today means customers will shoulder the entire burden of risk for this over-budget, off-schedule mega project. As of today, Plant Vogtle already is five years behind schedule and double the original price tag. Is there even a light at the end of this tunnel?
As an organization deeply committed to the efficient generation and use of energy as an act of stewardship, GIPL leaders felt the need to speak before the PSC to make our concerns known about the environmental and economic costs of Plant Vogtle. Although it seems implausible to abandon such a project after $5 billion has been spent, we strongly advocated for increasing investments in solar and energy efficiency in service directly to customers. Yet, the PSC did not heed our requests and chose to stand with Georgia Power in the name of progress.
Additionally, In political step with the PSC, the Georgia governor offered this comment: “I commend the Public Service Commission for its vision and foresight in approving continuation of the Plant Vogtle expansion while holding the owners accountable to ratepayers,” said Deal. “Investing in clean, sustainable energy infrastructure is a worthwhile endeavor that will have a positive economic impact as well.” Gov. Deal fails to mention that investments in efficiency programs and affordable, renewable energy would provide that at a much lower cost.Every month, Georgia Power is spending more at Plant Vogtle than its total energy efficiency program budget for the entire year. Energy efficiency programs can meet energy needs at a cost four times less than the cost to finish the Vogtle project. GIPL’s Power Wise congregations know this well as they continue to save thousands of dollars every year. With their commitment and our help, Power Wise congregations are using energy more efficiently. They are saving precious money from these energy savings and putting that money towards programs and ministries that serve the wider community.
GIPL also is involved actively in several Solarize campaigns that bring affordable, clean solar energy to citizens right now in Georgia. And we will continue to support these community-led initiatives in 2018 to show the PSC and utility providers that Georgians truly demand affordable, clean renewable energy now and in the future. GIPL’s goal is to assist at least another ten congregations and religious nonprofits in their procurement of solar in the coming year.Your support of GIPL in this season of giving is critical. Your contribution will help us expand access to affordable, clean energy in Georgia, as a matter of environmental and financial stewardship. Your gift on this Winter Solstice sends a message to the Public Service Commission and utility providers that people of faith choose energy efficiency and renewable energy as our guiding light and our 21st century energy priority.This week we have been warmed by the glow of the Menorrah lights, the Solstice promise of everlasting life and light, and soon, the Christmas promise that the darkness shall not overcome the Light. In whatever tradition you stand, commit with GIPL to being light for all the Earth. And may 2018 see us evermore engaged and committed to the pursuit of energy equity.Blessings of light and hope to you and yours this holiday season!