Write Our Senators: Reject Scott Pruitt's Appointment

Please join GIPL in appealing to our U.S. senators to vote against the appointment of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. Pruitt has a long history of opposing this federal agency that administers national standards for ground, water, and air pollution - regulations that are designed to keep us all safe from dangerous toxins for generations to come. At GIPL, we believe our quality of life is improved because of the work of the EPA.In spite of this appointment, we remain hopeful and believe that action, not despair, is a mark of our commitment to the environment and to our communities. As people of faith, we understand the shared responsibility to protect and conserve the gifts given to all of us. That is why we appeal to you today, as a GIPL friend, to join our letter-writing campaign to stop Mr. Pruitt from becoming the next EPA chief.GIPL has drafted a letter urging Senator Johnny Isakson and Senator David Perdue to reject Pruitt's nomination and work to find a new administrator. Please join us in this act of hope. Let your voice heard at this time and write to our senators. You can download the letter here. Thank you for putting your faith into hopeful action.


Pursue Justice this Winter Solstice


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