Joanna Kobylivker (she/her)

Jewish Community Organizer | Adamah ATL Director

404.377.5552 |

Joanna Kobylivker is the current chair of the Jewish Climate Action Network of Georgia (JCAN-GA) and Director of Adamah ATL, a local chapter of the national Adamah organization working to connect people and planet in Atlanta through Jewish environmental learning, climate action, and youth empowerment.

Joanna received a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Barnard College and a Master's degree in Public Health from Emory University. After working in project management for Emory Healthcare and Emory University for ten years, Joanna pursued her passion for sustainability through various volunteer roles in the Atlanta Public Schools system and her religious community. Her recent appointments with JCAN-GA, GIPL, and Adamah serve to strengthen her commitment and abilities to promote environmental stewardship in the Jewish community.

When she is not picking out recyclables from trash cans, Joanna can be found baking a small batch of chocolate baklava (Chaklava) or chasing her two boys and dog around the streets of Morningside.