Grant Application

Applicants who are interested in organizing and supporting Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts in their congregation and community this fall may apply for a Georgia Interfaith Power & Light (GIPL) grant of $500 or $1,000 to support their work. This grant aims to bolster faith communities' ability to engage in GOTV efforts and provide funding to support congregations' general, sustainability operations.

As described below, congregations can apply for Tier One ($500) or Tier Two ($1,000) funding. Preference will be given to congregations who show a dedicated commitment to GOTV efforts beyond GIPL's campaign, have a clear strategy for achieving the above goals, and demonstrate a need for financial support. All payments will be made via ACH/direct deposit into the grantee's designated bank account once a Form W9 and a deposit authorization form are digitally executed.

  • TIER ONE ($500)

    To be eligible for Tier One grant funding of $500, applicants must commit to the following Get Out the Vote activities: 

    a) Receive 75 Faithful Voter Guides (obtained from GIPL). 

    b) Share the QR code and texting number for the faithful voter pledge in your congregation's bulletins, newsletter, and social media. 

    c) Get 25 people to sign Voter Pledge

    d) Recruit volunteers to participate in a text banking event that GIPL staff will set up for you OR send at least 5 representatives to one of the text banks that GIPL has organized. GIPL's text banking dates are Oct. 1 and Oct. 28.

    e) Provide pictures and a blog of 250-300 words about the congregation's GOTV activities, successes, and why it's important for people of faith to take part in voting.

  • TIER TWO ($1000)

    To be eligible for Tier Two grant funding of $1,000, applicants must commit to the following Get Out the Vote activities: 

    a) Receive 100 Faithful Voter Guides (obtained from GIPL).

    b) Share the QR code and texting number for the Voter pledge in your congregation's bulletins, newsletter, and social media. 

    c) Get 50 people to sign Voter Pledge.

    d) Recruit volunteers to participate in a text banking event that GIPL staff will set up for you OR send at least 8 representatives to one of the text banks that GIPL has organized. GIPL's text banking dates are Oct. 1 and Oct. 28.

    e) Provide pictures and a blog of 250-300 words about the congregation's GOTV activities, successes, and why it's important for people of faith to take part in voting.