Congregation Bet Haverim in Atlanta, Georgia, was awarded a GIPL Power Wise Energy Efficiency Matching Grant to assist them with energy improvements.  Congregation Bet Haverim completed an energy audit with GIPL and decided to focus their efforts on replacing old thermostats with WiFi thermostats with a $750 matching grant.Congregation Bet Haverim is a Jewish Reconstructionist synagogue in Atlanta.  In line with GIPL's commitment to Creation care, Congregation Bet Haverim is focused on Reconstructionist values of social action and Tikkun Olam, which is repairing the world.  This congregation is also taking it's connection to creation a step further by holding services and classes outside in order to appreciate the beauty of nature.  CBH has been renovating their building acquired this past year by adding proper attic insulation, replacing single pane windows, and replacing old inefficient bulbs with LED lights in order to increase energy efficiency.  Adding WiFi thermostats to the updated building was the last piece of their renovation that the matching grant will be used for, which will save energy by ensuring that heating and cooling will only run when the building is occupied.As a next step in their Creation care, CBH is working on strengthening their Dirt Wise engagement and working with the greater community.  Congratulations to Congregation Bet Haverim on their efforts towards energy reduction and commitment to environmental stewardship!  Hopefully their work will inspire others within the community and their faith tradition to strengthen their own sustainability and stewardship practices, as well as involvement with GIPL's Power Wise program.The next matching grant application deadline is November 15, 2016. To date, the Power Wise Matching Grant program has awarded over $750,000 to congregations across Georgia to improve their energy efficiency efforts. If your congregation has not yet received a GIPL energy audit, visit our website to sign up today!


Islamic Community Center of Atlanta Receives GIPL Grant


Sustainable Investing: Methodists, Money & Faith