Creation Care Champion: Garry Harris

BOUTIQUE BLOOMS FLOWER SHOPGIPL is excited to announce a new initiative to share the stories of individuals who have been our partners, allies, and inspirations in this work of caring for creation.  These "Creation Care Champions" have worked diligently in their communities drawing the connection between environmental concerns and their various faith traditions, revealing a common appreciation for the community of life, justice, stewardship, and awe. We hope that you are inspired by their stories and learn from their journeys.Garry A. Harris is the president of Sustainability Solutions Group (SSG), a consulting firm that provides diverse energy engineering and power generation technical services, sustainable communities planning and implementation, workforce force development, clean energy solutions, industrial and reliability engineering including research, policy and education services.Mr. Harris is the Creation Care Ministry Leader: Environmental at the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church. Under his leadership the church was awarded “Ministry of the Year” by Georgia Interfaith Power and Light and recognized on Nation Public Radio (NPR) and other media nationally. He was recently selected to the Advisory Board for the Emory University Chandler School of Theology CREATE program (Culture, Religion, Ethics, and the Environment). He was recently selected out a national pool of applicants for a Green Faith Fellowship (Creation Care). He was also selected to Green the Church National Council. 

GIPL believes that by sharing our stories about the setbacks as well as the victories large and small, we can support, inspire, and grow the community of individuals who understand and respond to the call to care for creation. If you know a Creation Care Champion (even if it's you!) whose story should be told, please send their contact information to or just fill out the form below.
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