Sightings From the Treehouse: The Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shall Not Destroy Creation

Sightings from the Treehouse is an investigative blog series on climate change and the environment, from GIPL’s Power Wise Director, Bob Donaghue. You can read all the posts from the blog series here

The destruction of Creation, as we know it, is the moral issue of all time. This growingecological and human catastrophe exists for power and greed by the few who continue to fostera consumption-based economy dependent on fossil fuels. They knew about this evolvingdisaster almost 50 years ago, but chose deception instead of truth. They sustain their controlwith political contributions, obstruction and misinformation campaigns. The public does not getoff the hook either, since they have a huge responsibility to be informed voters and consumersdriving government and business to innovate. Not to let them drive decision-making andreinforce unsustainable habits. We all share some blame.Unfortunately, there is too much inertia today, we should be fully mobilizing to face this globalwar. What does that mean? It means industries converting to zero waste processes poweredby renewable energy, cities and states requiring sustainable land use and building practices,and the public motivated to living sustainably and willing to sacrifice for the less fortunate andfuture generations. Think of the mobilization and sacrifice we had just 75 years ago tosave the world from Germany and Japan. Doesn’t saving Creation merit an equivalent response?Not discounting actions from today’s sustainability efforts, but a comprehensive strategy willlikely happen on climate change and Creation care when the younger generations, who will fullyface this angry planet, are wholly integrated into politics, business and our houses of worship.Their leadership will be much more focused on and committed to the crisis at hand than today’sdivided leadership. Many of these talented youths are poised to move into these globalpositions soon.Building the foundation for stewardship of Creation starts with the young. Teaching them to loveand explore Creation in their childhood will leave an imprint on their soul. Reinforcementthrough better science education throughout their school years and more, balanced stories inthe media are also needed. Tomorrow’s leaders need to have a grip on reality to buildresolve, resilience and hope.Today’s religious leaders should review their faith’s public commitments about climate changeand its impact on Creation, and then prepare education programs and services that help theyoung and others better understand the moral issue at hand. Just think, where else dobusiness leaders, politicians, scientists, teachers, soccer moms, and children gather to learn about sin and morality? Preach the 11th Commandment.All faiths have their Creation and stewardship stories. Pope Francis stepped into the fray withboth feet last year with the publication of his climate change encyclical, Laudato Si. Theencyclical details man’s abuse of nature and unending greed.Different faiths also have climate change statements showing deep concern for Creation and offer ideas for the future. Although the words are on paper, not much is being done at the congregation level. Faith leaders have not developed clear direction on climate change and Creation care, nor have they prepared new liturgy, songs and stories for use in classrooms and sermons. A new generation of clergy, schooled in ecological theology and sustaining Creation is needed to lead congregations with new blood and ideas appropriate for a world in ecological crisis.Both current and future clergy must speak with moral clarity about sin and the destruction of lifein all its forms, and how to live sustainably within Creation. Thomas Berry often said that weneed to tell a new story; one in which the human world is meshed with the nonhuman world andthe universe.The transformation to a Creation care posture needs to happen quickly, not at the snail’s paceof today. There are strong negative forces at play to continue business as usual, whichneed to be negated by the faith community, the media, our schools, business and thevoters to sustain Creation. It is urgent that society have moral clarity on climate change, andaggressively adopt the many available technologies, behaviors and other actions needed toreduce carbon emissions and begin the drawdown of carbon in the atmosphere. That wouldgive us a fighting chance.

A To-Do List for Clergy

  • Become informed about the science of climate change
  • Challenge anti-science propaganda
  • Read and internalize your faith’s current climate change declarations
  • Review your holy books for moral guideposts about Creation care
  • Obtain or prepare new relevant liturgy, stories, and music about the Creation story
  • Establish a green team to reduce the facility’s carbon footprint and build Creation care programs
  • Encourage the congregation members to apply the stewardship lessons learned,
  • Participate with your Interfaith Power and Light state affiliate and other Creation care organizations
  • Promote information sharing among clergy and their congregations
  • Be a public advocate for Creation care
  • Preach the 11th Commandment – tell a new story.

Creation Care Champion: Garry Harris


Sightings From the Treehouse: Soft Landing or Runaway Train?