GIPL Powers Up Staff to Grow Solar in Georgia
GIPL continues in its commitment to expanding access to renewable energy here in Georgia. To date, seven congregations in Georgia have installed solar on their properties. The size of these projects run the gamut – some are large, some are quite small but mighty. But what’s clear is that more congregations could be benefit from this promising source of energy, to reduce costs for their congregations, and more importantly, reduce their environmental impact. Yet, the road to solar is not a straight path. For that reason, GIPL provides guidance and project management assistance through our Solar Wise program for faith communities considering solar installations. For the past year, we’ve provided this support through a partnership with Southface Energy Institute. Also for the past two years, GIPL has partnered with Southern Environmental Law Center and Environment Georgia to advance solar policy that serves all Georgians. GIPL is proud to be working with such great partners on solarize campaigns and educational programs that create better access to renewable energy.It is a critical time for renewables in our state. That is why GIPL has hired a new project coordinator to organize our Solar Wise program with the help from a special grant received from a private foundation. GIPL welcomes John Hitchins on board to coordinate our solar efforts across the state. John Hitchins is no stranger to GIPL. An active member of Trinity Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, John has been the chair of that congregation’s Sustainability Committee and now serves as vice-chair of the Mission Council for the church. Trinity Presbyterian has a long-standing commitment to sustainability, and John understands the nuances of working within a congregational setting when it comes to environmental issues. John also has a long history in working within Georgia’s environmental non-profit community, having worked on the development staff at the Nature Conservancy and environmental education programs at the Georgia Aquarium. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for Lifecycle Building Center in Atlanta, a local favorite of the GIPL Team.We are excited to have
John join GIPL, bringing a fresh perspective on serving local congregations and advancing renewable energy policy and implementation here in Georgia. If you would like more information about how GIPL can help your congregation or another faith-based nonprofit utilize solar power, please contact us at Together let’s build a sustainable future for Georgia powered by the sun!