Orchard Planting at First Afrikan Church

On February 26, Fruit Forward Orchards teamed up with First Afrikan Church and Creation Care Gardens to plant an orchard of service berry, apple, fig, and pear trees on the church campus. The church already had an existing 'elder pear' tree, and more were planted to honor this legacy. The intergenerational activity took place after a worship service, and its fruits will support the already existing community garden and pantry program for years to come. Creation Care Gardens works to promote healthy living through a natural park and education activities.There are about 50 orchards across Atlanta, but 17% of Atlanta still lacks access to fresh, local food. Orchards provide food, nutrients, and beautification, and can also provide social, economic, and environmental benefits to an area. Fruit Forward Orchards provides services beyond the orchard planting, including extensive educational offerings and orchard care materials for future work.

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