GIPL's Light Award Winner - Oakhurst Presbyterian Church

OakhurstThe winner of GIPL’s Light award was presented to Oakhurst Presbyterian Church in Decatur at the Seventh Annual GIPPYs in February.Oakhurst Presbyterian Church was the first  congregation in Georgia to be certified as Creation Wise through GIPL’s new congregational green certification program. They earned this certification for their varied efforts to care for Creation.

Consider this impressive list of sustainable practices at Oakhurst: They have Alternative transportation Sundays throughout the year, they installed a bike rack, they have a rain barrel for outdoor watering, they use Native pants as memorials on church property, they aggressively recycle everything from batteries to clothes hangers, they only order recycled paper, they have embraced energy efficiency throughout the building, and they have made way for a community garden to be created on church property, just to name a few of their varied sustainable practices.Over the last three decades, they have integrated an ethic of frugality and resourcefulness. From worship, to buildings & grounds to Christian Education and mission, they seek faithfulness in respect to the integrity of God's Creation. Through the leadership of elders Mary Gould, Mary Smarr, and parish associate Rev. Alan Jenkins, their Peacemaking & Justice Committee has and continues to lead all committees of the congregation to consider next steps in 'greening' their activities. For these and all of their efforts to incorporate Creation care into the life of their congregation we are proud to present to Oakhurst Presbyterian church in Decatur thisyears light award.
Oakhurst garden



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