Matching Grant Awards - Central Presbyterian, Atlanta

Central Presbyterian ChurchCentral Presbyterian Church in Atlanta has been active in GIPL’s programs for many years. The church received a matching grant during the May 2010 grant cycle to upgrade lighting in several buildings. They have reapplied during this grant cycle and requested $10,000 to upgrade 316 single pane windows with double pane windows in their Campbell-Eagan Building as part of their overall $320,000 building improvement effort. Although the grant committee doesn’t generally fund window upgrades due to the long payback, they made an exception for Central Presbyterian Church since they have implemented many other energy efficiency measures over the past few years.Central Presbyterian Church has a very active Care for Creation Committee committed to finding ways to educate and motivate it members to be better stewards of God’s creation. They have installed a solar water heater for their men’s shelter on-site at the church thanks to Grants to Green funding as well. In addition, they have completed a wide range of energy efficiency projects and recycling projects. They also have an ongoing effort to incorporate the caring for creation message into their liturgy, worship and education programs.Central Presbyterian Church was one of nine faith communities that were awarded a total of $52,492 in Energy Improvement Matching Grants in November 2012. The next round of Matching Grants applications are due on November 15, 2013.Matching Grant applications are on our website Up to $10,000 is available to congregations interested in implementing suggestions from their Power Wise Energy Audits to reduce energy consumption and costs.


GIPL's Light Award Winner - Oakhurst Presbyterian Church


A Mass Movement of Faith