Celebrate Tu B'Shvat, the Jewish New Year of the Trees, with Georgia Interfaith Power and Light and Adamah ATL as we work together to plant trees in an Atlanta park on Feb. 9, 2025, from 1-4 p.m.
By helping grow the city’s urban forest, we are providing cleaner air, cool shade, and improved habitat for intown humans and wildlife alike.
Planting tasks include digging holes with shovels/mattocks, untangling roots with your hands, mulching, watering, and cleaning up the surrounding area. Physical activity such as bending, lifting, and kneeling is required. Tree planting can be physically strenuous—be ready to break a sweat and get dirty!
Registration is full for this event. If you missed out on signing up for this tree planting, know that there will be more opportunities to plant trees in the coming months. Subscribe to GIPL emails HERE and stay tuned.