3 Signs We're at the Dawn of a Solar Revolution in Georgia

Last week's announcement of the Clean Power Plan is setting the stage for a renewed commitment to clean energy here in Georgia, and we're excited to be part of the ongoing conversation to take action for Creation. Next Thursday in Athens, we'll be joining Georgia Climate Change Coalition and Environment Georgia for a Solar Town Hall Meeting to talk about how solar energy can become a reality. We'll be joined by Public Service Commissioner Tim Echols, Athens city and county officials, and solar energy experts -- click here for more info and to register for the event.Why focus on solar? We know the Clean Power Plan is only the start of a wider climate change awareness. New regulations on carbon emissions mean new solutions have to be found, and a major part of the solution is solar energy. Here are a few of the signs that show solar is on its way to clean energy superstardom:1. Demand has never been higher -- A report in 2013 showed that the need for solar jumped 41% in the U.S., and since then, desire for the clean, renewable source has only continued to rise. Business is booming -- First Solar, the largest manufacturer of solar panels in the U.S. had a 65% growth in revenue last year, according to Bloomberg, and shows no sign of leveling off. It's as true in Georgia as anywhere: “We are rapidly approaching 1 gigawatt of solar energy in production statewide, which is amazing to think about considering we had less than 20 megawatts in production just three years ago,” said Sharon Lee, chairwoman of the Georgia Solar Energy Association, last week in the Macon Telegraph.2. Prices are falling as a result of this demand. “100 million Americans in the nation’s largest cities will be able to ‘go solar’ for a lower price than grid electricity in the next ten years,” predicts a 2012 Rooftop Revolution report. The price tag for an average homeowner has until now been in the $20,000 range, but as more people get on board, prices will go down. And now Georgia law will allow solar installers to offer financing through a third party.3. Big business is getting on board. That's right, and guess who was the number one solar-installing company of 2014? Walmart. In fact, the White House just launched the American Business Act on Climate Pledge with 13 major players in the corporate sphere: Alcoa, Apple, Bank of America, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, Cargill, Coca-Cola, General Motors, Goldman Sachs, Google, Microsoft, PepsiCo, UPS, and yes, Walmart. And why not? For many companies, electricity costs are a huge operating expense. Solar provides the means to reduce costs and safeguard against electricity price increases.Things are headed in the right direction, but there's more to be done. Consider how you can help shift our state toward solar -- and your faith community along with it. Power Wise could be the avenue toward your solar success! Check out how to get started in the Power Wise process, and what funds we have available for your congregation that might just tip the scales in favor of a solar installation in your community.And stay tuned later this fall for our Clean Power Plan Summit -- an educational event aimed at sharing resources and information about clean energy sources for your congregation.#GoSolarGA!


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