Filtering by: “MiddleGA”

Columbus Green Team Summit

Columbus Green Team Summit

Join Georgia Interfaith Power and Light for a mini-Green Team Summit on September 30, 2023. Green Team Summits are opportunities for faith leaders, Green Team members, and environmental activists to come together for a day of learning and fellowship. At this summit, we will talk about how our faith calls us to care for and advocate on behalf of our Common Home.

In addition to a keynote address, there will be a series of workshops to help equip congregations to build their green teams, combat climate change through practical climate solutions, and get involved locally and federally in climate advocacy. Lunch, coffee, and light snacks will be provided.


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CompostNow Green Team Tour

CompostNow Green Team Tour

Join other Green Team members on Tuesday, Sept. 26 at 10 a.m. for a tour of CompostNow's controlled, aerobic decomposition facility in West Georgia (6950 Post Rd, Winston, GA 30187). CompostNow is a commercial composting company that both individuals and faith communities may enter into contracts with to reduce waste and meet sustainability goals.


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