Our annual Green Team Summit is on Saturday, February 3, 2024, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Decatur, Georgia. Green Teams, faith leaders, and environmental activists from across the state are invited to gather for a time of fellowship and shared learning. This year's theme is “Rooted in Resilience.”
Participants will learn practical insights for cultivating climate resilience in local communities and building a resilient democracy by advocating for environmentally just policies. This year's keynote speaker, Dr. Debra Rienstra will inspire faith communities to develop and live out a resilient faith that carries a sense of hope and embodies an active response to addressing environmental injustices in Georgia and beyond.
The summit will also offer a series of workshops that will help equip congregations to build Green Teams, combat climate change through practical climate solutions, develop resiliency hubs, and engage in climate advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels. Lunch, coffee, and light snacks will be provided.
9:30 A.M. | Registration Opens
10 A.M. | Welcome & Opening Remarks
10:15 A.M. | Keynote Address by Dr. Debra Rienstra
11:15 A.M. | 10-Minute Break
11:25 A.M. | Panel Response to Keynote
12:25 P.M. | Lunch & Networking
1:15 P.M. | Power-Wise Awards
1:30 P.M. | Workshops - Round 1
2:30 P.M. | 10-Minute Break
2:40 P.M. | Workshops - Round 2
3:45 P.M. | Closing Remarks
4 P.M. | Dismissal
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Debra Rienstra is a professor of English at Calvin University, where she has taught since 1996, specializing in early British literature and creative writing. She is the author of four books—on motherhood, spirituality, worship, and eco-theology/climate change—as well as numerous essays, poems, and academic scholarship. She writes bi-weekly for The Reformed Journal blog, writing about spirituality, climate change, pop culture, the church, the arts, higher ed, and more.
Her most recent book is Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth (Fortress 2022). Refugia Faith combines theology, nature writing, and biological principles to consider how people of faith must adapt faith and practice for a climate-altered planet.
Rienstra was raised in Michigan and holds a BA from the University of Michigan and a PhD from Rutgers University. She and her husband, Rev. Dr. Ron Rienstra, have three grown children. Learn more at debrarienstra.com.
Panel Response to Keynote
How are local faith communities becoming more resilient? Why does this matter? In response to the keynote address, Avery Lamb, co-executive director of Creation Justice Ministries, will facilitate a conversation with local faith leaders and a climate scientist about the important role congregations can play in community resilience. The panelists will talk about what it means to have resilient faith, how their congregations are implementing practical climate solutions to become local resiliency hubs, and why building resiliency is critical in a climate-changed world.
The panel will include Rev. Brendolyn Jenkins Boseman, pastor of Hudson Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church in Augusta, Georgia and Executive Director of The Imani Group, Maher Budier of Roswell Community Masjid in Roswell, Georgia, and Mark Papier, Principal Meteorologist for AT&T and member at Ahavath Achim Synagogue in Atlanta.
This workshop, for new Green Teams or Green Teams who are relaunching, will explore strategies for building your Green Team, organizing and mobilizing members, and engaging your congregation. During this workshop, participants will receive access to Green Team resources, learn about GIPL’s practical climate solution programs, and have an opportunity to ask questions of GIPL staff.
This workshop is taught by GIPL’s Program Coordinator, Ayesha Abid.
This workshop will be held in Room 104.
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), signed into law in August 2022, includes historic climate investments for communities. This workshop will discuss the significance of the IRA for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and advancing environmental justice. It will also provide information about funding available for congregations and individuals to implement practical climate solutions and state-wide initiatives to expand IRA education and resources into local communities.
This workshop will be co-lead by Michael Hawthorne, Organizing Director with Georgia Conservation Voters Education Fund, and Hannah Shultz, GIPL’s Program Director.
This workshop will be held in Room 103.
One of the most important ways that faith communities can take climate action is through advocating for change at a systemic level. During this workshop, participants will be briefed on the Georgia Water Coalition’s priority issues for the 2024 Georgia legislative session and how they can get involved through letter writing, lobby meetings with their representatives, and other advocacy actions.
This workshop will be taught by April Lipscomb, Senior Attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center.
This workshop will be held in Room 102.
When you are thirsty, must you walk to a well or do you turn on the tap? What aquifer nourishes you? To whom does it belong? The question of one’s source of water begs us to examine environmental justice. In this workshop, writers Christina Toney-Schmitt and Shay Alexi Stewart-Willis lead a poetic exploration of water featuring poetry readings and creative writing exercises.
This workshop will be held in Room 207.
Biomimicry is defined as “the conscious emulation of nature’s genius,” and Life’s Principles are six main principles and 21 sub-principles, which comprise the deep patterns found in nature that have created conditions conducive to life on Earth for 3.85 billion years. Using the Life's Principles worksheets, workshop participants will be inspired by nature's strategies and leave with tools to help design a holistic framework for their project or organization.
This workshop is led by Beth Remmes, GIPL’s Coastal Outreach and Resiliency Coordinator.
This workshop will be held in Room 101.
This workshop, for new Green Teams or Green Teams who are relaunching, will explore strategies for building your Green Team, organizing and mobilizing members, and engaging your congregation. During this workshop, participants will receive access to Green Team resources, learn about GIPL’s practical climate solution programs, and have an opportunity to ask questions of GIPL staff.
This workshop is taught by GIPL’s Program Coordinator, Ayesha Abid.
This workshop will meet in Room 104
This workshop will explore practical climate solutions that faith communities may implement to “green” their spaces and incorporate sustainability practices into the life of their congregation. Participants will learn about energy efficiency and electrification, solar, and zero-waste solutions from experts in the field.
Panelists for this workshop include Rev. Jenny Phillips with the General Board of Global Ministries with the United Methodist Church, Bryan Jacob with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Dustin Mason, and Suzanne Haerther with the U.S. Green Building Council. The panel will be moderated by Hannah Shultz, GIPL’s Program Director.
This workshop will be held in Room 103.
As people of faith, we are called to communicate our values of caring for our common home and loving our neighbors through voting. Join this workshop to learn how several organizations across Georgia are mobilizing their communities to Get Out The Vote in preparation for the 2024 election.
This workshop will include a panel with representatives from Fair Count, Black Voters Matter, and the Georgia Muslim Voter Project.
This workshop will be held in Room 102.
Green Teams across Georgia are mobilizing their communities, engaging in local policy, implementing climate solutions on-site, and educating their congregations about the importance of environmental stewardship. Join this workshop to learn how three Green Team leaders have found success.
David Alley, leader of the Coastal Interfaith Green Team will discuss the interfaith Green Team model and their programming this year. Christine Difeliciantonio, with St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Columbus, Georgia, will talk about the local policy work their Green Team has done with Clean Energy Columbus. Renee Alnoubani, with Roswell Community Masjid, will talk about launching and organizing a new Green Team and projects their Masjid is undertaking to be more sustainable.
This workshop will be held in Room 101.
Faith and science don't need to exist in conflict. In fact, they're stronger together! Join Georgia Clinicians for Climate Action Steering Committee Chair, Dr. Preeti Jaggi, to learn more about how air pollution affects the health of Georgia communities and how collaboration between healthcare professionals and faith communities can help promote climate justice for all!
This workshop will be held in Room 207.
NANCY DAVES — Individual Sponsor
DANIEL KASBOHM — Individual Sponsor
MARK PAPIER — Individual Sponsor
MICHELLE PETELLE — Individual Sponsor
Questions about this event? Contact hannah@gipl.org.